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(Note: If you're a DofE participant here is the link for our DofE Guide)
The NJU Toolkit provides you with everything you need to learn about ETHICAL ENTERPRISE and, if you choose to do so, to set up your own ethical business. Our Toolkit helps you to understand the issues behind trade injustice as well as giving you a helping hand to generating some income for your community.
Certain sections of the Toolkit may be more relevant or useful than others to you, so you can choose what to use according to the amount of time you have available and the level of 'difficulty' that you or your group feels comfortable with.
For example, some may want to spend more time learning about trade injustice and ethical trade. Some may want to spend more time on the business modules or focus on product development. Others may have their own ideas for events and activities, whereas others still, may prefer to head straight towards using the practical guides and NJU templates. Some may not have the ultimate aim of setting up their own ethical business - but whatever you wish to do - there will be LOTS in the Toolkit to help you along!
The Induction session should always be carried out however, but after this, you or your group can work through the rest of the modules at their own pace. You don’t have to follow any particular order and you can come back to previous modules later on.
All the modules have been developed in partnership with local communities and have been tried and tested by many NJU participants.
Please use as much - or as little - of the toolkit as you think is necessary for YOU or YOUR GROUP

The Toolkit works well on a group basis but can also be used by anyone as an individual. If you are working as a group, most are led by a Session Leader, but the Toolkit has been written so that groups can participate in self-directed, co-operative learning if they choose to do so.
Guidance is provided in Module 4 for participants to think about the business roles and functions that they might like to try out.

Once the module/s have been downloaded, lessons and learning can take place offline – but there are links to sites and videos that will require internet access if you or your group want to find out more. Referring to the Session Planner for each module will help the Session Leader to decide how to approach this.

Use of paper will depend on the needs and preferences of you or your group members as to whether the handouts, tasks and templates are printed out or not (as well as environmental considerations). Most of the documents are provided in pdf format, but templates are available in Word format too, so that group members can type or write on them.

There are no fixed time periods for you or your group to use the Toolkit. YOU decide at the outset how often you will set time aside to progress along with the Modules. You or your group will need to set more time aside when you are preparing and carrying out any sales or events.
A Session Planner (listing all possible elements to learn from and indicated time length and skills acquired)
Activities in each session, along with video/podcasts suggestions, website research, speaker suggestions etc.
Visit ideas, (actual or virtual), to ethical enterprises are suggested.
Each module has enough material for several sessions/meetings, and additional activities if a group wants to explore the topics further.
Please see an overview of all modules below. Click to see contents of each.
00 INDUCTIONIncluding: Overall introduction to the Toolkit and content of each module, introduction to the Lorna Young Foundation and NJU, Ethical Icebreakers, Baseline Survey and Fair Trade Quiz, Personal Journal Template. Please sign up using the form at the top of the page to access all resources
01 TRADE INJUSTICE & POVERTYSETTING THE CONTEXT FOR NJU Including: Sustainable Development Goals & Resource Sheets, Coffee & Chocolate Case Studies & Lessons, Fair Trade Games, Jargon Buster, Letter Templates, Global Commodity Maps. Please sign up using the form at the top of the page to access all resources
02 SOCIAL ENTERPRISE & CO-OPERATIVE WORKINGIncluding: Facts on the Co-operative Movement and Business Models, Games/Activities on co-operative working, Co-ops and Team Building, Introduction to Socia Enterprises, Social vs Corporate Enterprises Facts and Resources. Please sign up using the form at the top of the page to access all resources
03 GROWING YOUR ETHICAL BUSINESS IDEAIncluding: Basic Market Research for a New Ethical Business, Auditing/Surveying Existing Businesses/Products, Ethical Product Certification Systems Info, Templates for Group Code of Conduct/ Constitution/Action Plan Checklist. Please sign up using the form at the top of the page to access all resources
04 GETTING DOWN TO ETHICAL BUSINESSIncluding: Deciding Your Ethical Business Type, Business and Legal Structures, Understanding Ethical Behaviour, Business Functions & Roles, Writing an Ethical Business Vision, Choices & Ethics Task, Different Types of Business Accounting, Template for Writing an Ethical Business Plan. Please sign up using the form at the top of the page to access all resources
05 EVENTSIncluding: Market Research for Events & Local Mapping, Pricing for Events, Task – ‘Event Ready?’, Press Release Example, Using Social Media to Sell Ethically, Events Action Plan Template, Cashing-Up Template, HOW TO – Plan for an Event/ Set Up a Stall/ Create a Promo Leaflet. Please sign up using the form at the top of the page to access all resources
06 PRODUCTS & MARKETINGIncluding: Ethical Branding Guidance, Marketing F2F & Social Media, Info re. Business & Sponsorship, Ethical Sales Pitching, Pricing, Product Supply, Price Listing Examples, Product Business Proposal Example, Supply/Stock/Warehousing, Leadership Activities, Successful Ethical Product Stories, HOW TO – Carry out a SWOT Analysis/ Promotional Checklist. Please sign up using the form at the top of the page to access all resources
07 MONITORING & EVALUATION INFORMATION & NOTESIncluding: Progression Chart for Groups, Event Evaluation, Annual Report Examples (Narrative and Financial), Monitoring Stakeholder Engagement, Progress Report to Donor Example, Thank You Letter Template, M&E Evidence Chart, Ethical Marketing Plans Template, Notes and Resources. Please sign up using the form at the top of the page to access all resources